Private OMP Parents Session
This 2 hour face to face session will equip you and your birth partners with the complete OMP protocols to navigate safely and confidently through the birthing journey.
Private health rebates may apply

Labour & Birth Bodywork
This 90 min consult held in your home is recommended anytime from 34 weeks & includes a complete clinical assessment & the appropriate bodywork to create space within your pelvis and facilitate optimal fetal positioning.
This option is ideal if your baby is malpositioned (breech, oblique or transverse), you are 'overdue' and there are no signs of labour or you are in the early stages of labour without progress.
Medicare rebates may apply

OMP for Parents Workshop
Join along in our hands on, practical workshops held on the last Saturday of every month at our East Brisbane Location.
This 4 hour workshop will take you and your birth partners through the concepts and protocols of OMP for parents, including understanding labour patterns, navigating potential road blocks and equip you with the confidence you need to birth YOUR WAY!
Private health rebates may apply